even though its pretty simple i like how you added story,background and weapons. would like to see some achievements next time
even though its pretty simple i like how you added story,background and weapons. would like to see some achievements next time
Elite XF
i like how when it gets faster your best course of action is to just spam the button as fast as you can XD
i can't be too critiqual because its a simple game .
Never played anythign like it so i have to give 5 for originalety
i like how there is map on the left as if someone is going to make it all the way
nice change from flappy birds but it just feels like a luck game
Thank you very much. I think it is not a luck game, but it seems. Maybe I could make it easy.
seems like a fun game for those who want to get highscore
don't have time for it but not bad
its funny just because its a nyan cat game and its made pretty well .
If it wasn't for all the preset music and sounds i would give it 5 .
Joined on 12/11/13