
258 Audio Reviews

163 w/ Responses

Sounds like jazz and dubstep to me . interesting combination

To be honest its hard to follow the melody because there is so many effects. Also some of the effects are too sudden and too noisy .

TheShowGuy responds:

too be honest there isnt alot of effects going on in the song its litterally just one snyth and piano

Well i don't think you can call a 2 minute track a loop anymore ;) That is a looping song at that point


I like it . Although i think you should strive to make sound more consistent with volume and reasoning ( vibrant pads )

Some effects a bit painful for me . Just the vst choices could be a little batter

Banana responds:

Yeah I agree about the vst's. I'm currently in the process of finding better ones. Thanks for the feedback!

the entire song doesn't really change aside from a few beats and snares.

That analog sound in the background . You can move it to lower register and switch it back and forth with the original every 20 seconds or so. That way you can have a bit more dynamic .

Even better just make a few analog melodies though .

jawalker213 responds:

Thanks for your feedback DjGubkafish! Glad to see there are strong opinions though I think the listeners have so far missed the point on this one

I heard this somewhere . Which part of this did you do because it sounds just like single midi

I won't actually rate because i am not sure . I mean i like it but is it really yours

MaSterAsSter responds:

Its from the anime series "bleach". Honestly, I just remade it by ear. Sort of a self challenge. I can say 100℅ that its not a midi though. :)

as minimalist soundtrack for one of your games ots ok

I think this would be better if you could make it both melodic and minimalist .

Without the game its not something i would listen .

Do you like old-school rpg games?

Melody is very pretty but drums kind of take away from the atmosphere a bit .

Chongo responds:

I actually never played that many old school RPG's. The only one really being Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest, but I've heard my music compared to it quite often, and considering the music heard in most of them, I take it as a compliment. As for the drums, I see where you're coming from and will consider that thought in the future

This sounds way to similar to the original

If you want credit for remix you should at least change pace and change melody to a point where it sounds original .

There is like a thousand of remixes for this song and this one doesn't stand out to me .

kinggrinyov5 responds:

hmm strange, i decided to listen to the original before i uploaded this, and it sounded very different, would u be able to link me the one u heard. Thanks :P

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