That 0-1:19
Might as well cut it out . Does nothing for the song
Still giving you 5 because it sounds very aesthetic . Would be nice for rpg maker game
That 0-1:19
Might as well cut it out . Does nothing for the song
Still giving you 5 because it sounds very aesthetic . Would be nice for rpg maker game
Thanks for the feedback!
I can see this in some RPG game like Zelda or something
Like soundtrack for town ... I think too much maybe
I kinda like it
i believe this is still considered instrumental music?
To be honest i just don't think much use for this track . I can't say that i like it and the pace is a bit odd to use it for projects.
I think if you would add a consistent melody with instrumental background music it would be much better
Thanks man I'm planning on touching up the beat a little so I can rap over it so now I know what to work on
I feel like white noise overpowered the melody .
its like i am playing 3d party NES game
Melody is not very unique and too much chip-tone
i think its considerend cinematic and not ambient
Its very good though gj
Oh thanks!
Newgrounds should have more music category
I think i see what you were going for ... Like a creepy funpark type music
Ill be honest
I voted 2 after 1;30 into the track . The lead VST kind of misled and made it seem like a poor effort work but its not .
It got way better by the end . You got some cool passes .
Ill be sure to vote 5 tomorrow to cancel my early judgment ... sorry
The misleading intro into the first drop was intentional, I am kind of partial to hard gear shifts like that. To be honest though the intro was a bit of an afterthought.
It gave me some Resident evil vibe at start which i really liked .
I almost wish this was 100% ambient music so i could just enjoy pads .
I think drums didn't really complement the melody and overall kind of ruined it for me .
Yeah sorry for that.
i think i would prefer this without background noise
Kinda sounds like some castle stage for NES games
I like it but it could be cleaner
Joined on 12/11/13