This does sound like something from NEs and Gen
I love 8-bit uplifting melody . Brings back good old days
This does sound like something from NEs and Gen
I love 8-bit uplifting melody . Brings back good old days
I can almost hear some japanese girl singing some cheesy lyrics .
You know what . I think its better without the lyrics XD
Honestly i think the melody is generic a bit but its a good quality track
Japanese girl singing? LOL
Maybe you are watching too much anime (or maybe I am), anyways
thanks for the positive review.
I will take note, that the melody was generic and try to change it up a
bit next time.
This is what i call sub genre of Electric music called "jungle" where consitency is not required however it was not well executed .
I can tell theres a uniqe melod ysomewhere in there but its clustered by beats and fast pace .
Try to highlight single melody to add individual persona to the track . Even if you use beats as main melody
Thanks man i was a kid when i mad this. your critique really helped.
~ Best wishes
this would work nice for ambient atmosphere in game , altough its a bit too vibrant i think .
I wish you would use clear instrument to make some string melody somewhere as well .
Pretty good though
Yea, I only realized it was too vibrant after I finished, but I decided to post it anyway. Thanks for the feedback.
I like the music itself its very creative.
However all sounds seems to bee too high . Find better quality vst or use lower register notes
Just keep in mind that people with bigger speakers may hear music differently from you so make sure to find that sweat spot between melody and volume .
Oh hello . Thanks for invite
It seems like you going for LOW-FI music genre . To be completly honest it sounds way too loud for the me to a point that it almost hurts . If you have small speakers you might not even know that .
I don't make music in this style myself so i won't critique too much .
I think your VST PADS make too much extra noise and it might be the length of the notes inside midi editor and quality of VSTS
yeah its a flat compressor that elevates the pad volume to fill the gaps in the beats, the volume boost gives it a slight gain which is why it sounds similar to lofi stuff. nothing to do with the midi note length, its from reverb and release of the notes. ill consider reducing the volume before the final edits thanks for the suggestion
I think that this track kind of lost its identity by the end because you did so many stops and brakedowns .
VST weren't very good quality so it may be part of the problem .
Just no balance between melody and noise . Thats just my opinion though
I see what you mean, and I will take your opinion into account since that is what I do.
I listen to the people and listen to critique.
Thank you for your time I greatly value your opinion!
I can't make a good comparison since i haven't herd the original but i think some of the vsts you used are really out of place . Too noisy in the background . Could use softer vst
It all makes sense in terms of the video game. Especially if you analyze the story between Yuna and Tidus within the lyrics of the melody.
The scene in which this song plays is a very romantic, country scene. I wanted this theme to be where Tidus leaves Yuna in Zanarkand (a very robotic "graveyard", if you will, with no naturality to it, where many things were happening and many people were doing things).. Where a polyphonic sound would be very fitting. "too much background noise" isn't really a valid judgement in polyphonic music..
Thank you for your review! : )
P.S.: The best reviews have pros AND cons, cause I know it wasn't all horrible.. :/
I think this music would go nice with RTS or MSG (medevil strategy game)
From what i herd in games there needs to build a longer and higher build up pick if that makes sense .
I didn't hear a clear pick in this song where the build up was going for and you sustained the same melody for too long for this type of music . I think there needs to be more ups and downs .
Joined on 12/11/13